Sabtu, 06 Agustus 2011

Silsilah Raja (Karaeng)Tallo


    The state of Tallo came into being sometime before the turn of the sixteenth century. The founder of the state being Karaeng Lowe-ri Sero', the younger son of Tunatankalopi, Somba-ri Gowa.  Although a powerful kingdom in its own right, Tallo formed a confederation with the kingdom of Gowa. Generations of intermarriage between the two Royal families resulted in a dual kingdom that dominated the Makassarese world. The ruler of Gowa was regarded as the senior of the two, the ruler of Tallo serving as Viceroy, or Deputy Ruler. The heyday of this alliance lasted from 1590 until the Dutch conquest in 1669. The kingdom converted to Islam in 1605, at a time when the ruler of Tallo, nicknamed 'Karaeng Matoaya' or the old Karaeng, served as regent for the minor ruler of Gowa. He assumed the title of Sultan and an Arabic reign name, a tradition followed by his successors. Soon after converting his charge, the two Sultans set about "inviting" the other principalities and kingdoms in the region to do the same. On their failure to do so, the Makassarese launched a jihad to convert them by force. Bone, Bima, Sumbawa and a number of smaller states either fell to their stronger arms, or peacefully submitted to Islam, during a series of expeditions between 1611 and 1620.

    Ever since their arrival, the Dutch had sought to control the spice trade by enforcing exclusive contracts with the local rulers, which forbade trade with traders from other nations. This was eventually achieved after the Makassarese federation was defeated in a series of naval and military engagements with the VOC. Along with Gowa, the Tallo sultanate submitted to the protection of the VOC in 1668.

    The sultanate thereafter remained relatively peaceful until 1777. In that year, a pretender emerged claiming to be the exiled Sultan Usman Fakhr ud-din of Gowa. Known as Sankilang, he gained a large following and quickly took control at Gowa and caused the abdication of Sultana Siti Saliha I of Tallo. It took the Dutch four years to dislodge him, but he managed to escape into the jungles and hold out for a further three years.

    The state was place under the direct rule of the government of the Netherlands East Indies 1780. The British affected a full restoration after General Nightingale's expedition in 1814. However, after a long period of disputes over the ruler's refusal to fulfil certain contractual obligations the Dutch authorities deposed the ruler, La Makkarumpa Daeng Parani. Although he was allowed to remain as ruler of Lipusaki, the kingdom was extinguished and its territories placed under direct Dutch rule in 1856.

    The ruling prince: Sultan (or Karaeng) of Tallo, with the style of His Highness.
    The sons of the ruling prince: Andi (personal name) Karaeng (personal title).
    The daughters of the ruling prince: Siti (personal name) Karaeng (personal title).

    Primogeniture, the children of Royal wives succeeding before those of junior wives or commoners, and sons succeeding before daughters.


    see Indonesia (Gowa).

    Abdurrazak Daeng Patunru, Sedjarah Goa. Jajasan Kebudajaen Sulawesi Selatan dan Tenggara, Makassar, 1967.
    Leonard Y. Andaya, The Heritage of Arung Palakka: A History of South Sulawesi (Celebes) in the Seventeenth Century. Verhandelingen van het Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde, The Hague, 1981.
    A. Ligtvoet, "Transcriptie van de Lontara-Bilang of het Dagboek der Vorsten van Gowa en Tello", Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde van Nederlandsch-Indië, Vierde Volgteeks, Vierde Deel - 1e stuk. Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde, The Hague, 1880. pp 1-259.
    A. Ligtvoet, "Geschiedenis van de afdeeling Tallo (gouverement Celebes)", Tijdschrift voor Indische Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde, Deel XVIII, Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen, Batavia, 1872, pp. 43-66.
    continued on the next page.
    ca. 1500 Karaeng Lowe-ri Sero' [Tuniawanga-ri Paralakkenna], 1st King of Tallo, younger son of Tunatankalopi, 6th Somba-ri Gowa. m. a daughter of the Somba of Garassi. He had issue:

        1) Karaeng Tunilabu-ri Suriwa, 2nd Karaeng Tallo - see below.

    15xx - 1511 Karaeng Tunilabu-ri Suriwa, 2nd Karaeng Tallo. m. Njai Papati, a Javanese princess from Surabaya. m. I-Kare Suwa. He was k. at Suriwa, by the Prince of Palambankang, having had issue:

        1) Karaeng Mangayowang Berang [Tunipassuru-ri Lello], 3rd Karaeng Tallo (s/o I-Kare Suwa) - see below.
        1) I-Reija Karaeng Lowe. m. as his first wife, Karaeng Tumapa'risi' Kallonna, 9th Somba-ri of Gowa, younger son of Batara Gowa I [Tuniawanga-ri Parang Lakenna], Somba-ri Gowa, by his first wife, I-Rejasi. She had issue, - see Indonesia (Gowa).

    1511  - 15xx I Mangayowang Berang [Tunipassuru-ri Lello], 3rd Karaeng Tallo. Regent of Gowa. Succeeded on the death of his father, 1511. The first of his line to enjoy the office of Tuma'bicara-butta of Gowa. m. (first) I-Kawatang, daughter of Karaeng Tumapa'risi'-ka Kallonna, 9th Somba-ri of Gowa. m. (second) I-Pasilemba, daughter of Karaeng Lowe-ri Maros. He had issue:

        1) Karaeng I-Mappatakang Kantana Daeng Padulu, 4th Karaeng Tallo (s/o I-Pasilemba) - see below.
        1) Karaeng Bissoa (d/o I-Kawatang).

    15xx - 1577 Karaeng I-Mappatakang Kantana Daeng Padulu [Tumamenanga-ri Makuwayang], 4th Karaeng Tallo and Bichara Butta of Gowa. m. (first) Bontomanai', a junior wife. m. (second) I-Sapi Karaeng Somba Opu, former wife of Karaeng Tunikakkasang and eldest daughter of Karaeng Tumapa'risi' Kallonna, 9th Somba-ri of Gowa. He had issue:

        1) I-Mallingkaang Daeng Mannyon-ri Karaeng Matowaya Sultan 'Abdu'llah Awwal al-Islam, 6th Karaeng Tallo (s/o I-Sapi) - see below.
        1) I-Sambo Daeng Niasseng Karaeng Patingaloang [Karaenga-ri Somba Opu], 5th Karaeng Tallo (d/o I-Sapi). m. I-Mangngarai Daeng Mammeta Karaeng-ri Bonto Langkasa Tunijallo', 13th Somba-ri of Gowa and 5th Karaeng Tallo. She had issue - see below.
        2) Daeng Patukanggang (d/o Bontomanai'). m. I-Mangngarai Daeng Mammeta Karaeng-ri Bonto Langkasa Tunijallo', 13th Somba-ri of Gowa and 5th Karaeng Tallo. She had issue - see below.

    1577 - 1590 I-Mangngarai Daeng Mammeta Karaeng-ri Bonto Langkasa Tunijallo', 13th Somba-ri of Gowa and 5th Karaeng Tallo. Succeeded on the death of his father as Sultan of Gowa, 1565. Became the joint 5th Karaeng Tallo on the death of his father-in-law, 1577. m. (first) a daughter of Tunipalangga, Karaeng Bone. m. (second) I-Sambo Daeng Niasseng Karaeng Patingaloang [Karaenga-ri Somba Opu], Karaeng Tallo, his chief wife, daughter of Karaeng I-Mappatakang Kantana Daeng Padulu, Karaeng Tallo, by his wife, Sapi Karaeng Somba Opu, eldest daughter of Karaeng Tumapa'risi' Kallonna, Somba-ri of Gowa. m. (third) Karaeng I-Wara' [Tuniawanga-ri Kalassukanna]. m. (fourth) Daeng Rappojini, daughter of the Karaeng Jipang. m. (fifth) Daeng Leko'bo'dong. m. (sixth) Karaeng Popo, sister of Karaeng I-Wara'. m. (seventh) Karaeng Bainea. m. (eighth) Karaeng Pattunga (d. 16th September 1633), daughter of Karaeng Masale and I-Tamalili. m. (ninth) I-Sambe. m. (tenth) I-Manneneki Daeng Karetanja'. m. (eleventh) Daeng Patukangang, daughter of Karaeng Mappatakang Kantana, Karaeng Tallo, by Bontomanai', a junior wife. m. (twelfth) Daeng Malompoa alias Daeng Arenne, a cousin of Karaeng I-Wara'. He d. 1590, having had issue, including:

        1) I-Tepukaraeng Daeng Pirambu [Parabung] Karaeng Assulukalah later Karaeng Bontolangkasa' [Tunipassulu'], 14th Somba-ri of Gowa and 6th Karaeng Tallo (s/o I-Sambo) - see below.
        2) I-Manga'rangi Daeng Mara'bia Sultan 'Ala ud-din [Tumenanga-ri Gaukanna], 14th Somba-ri of Gowa and 1st Sultan of Gowa (s/o I-Sambo) - see Indonesia (Gowa).

    1590 - 1593 I-Tepukaraeng Daeng Pirambu [Parabung] Karaeng Assulukalah later Karaeng Bontolangkasa' [Tunipassulu'], 14th Somba-ri of Gowa and 6th Karaeng Tallo. b. 1573. Succeeded on the death of his father, 1590. Forced to abdicate in favour of his maternal uncle, after refusing to accept Islam as the state religion, 1593.
    1593 - 1636 I-Mallingkang Daeng Manyon-ri Karaeng Katangka Matowaya Sultan 'Abdu'llah Awwal al-Islam [Tumammalianga-ri Agamana], 6th Karaeng Tallo. b. 1575, educ. privately. Served as Regent of Gowa 1593-1596. Succeeded on the abdication of his nephew, 1596. Nicknamed 'Karaeng Matoaya' the old Karaeng. The first of his line to adopt Islam, he assumed the style of Sultan 'Abdu'llah Awwal al-Islam, 22nd September 1605. He also held the territorial titles of Karaeng Kanjilo, Karaeng Segeri, Karaeng Barombong, Karaeng Data and Karaeng Allu. m. Karaeng Manaungi. m. Karaeng-ri Naung (d. 20th June 1645). He d. 1st October 1636, having had issue:

        1) Karaeng Patinga Tampatsina.
        2) I-Manginyarang Karaeng Kanjilo Daeng Makiya Sultan 'Abdu'l Ja'afar Muzaffar, 8th Karaeng Tallo (s/o Karaeng-ri Naung) - see below.
        3) I-Mangadachina Daeng Sitaba Karaeng Pattingalong [Tumenanga-ri Bontobirang]. b. August 1600 (s/o Karaeng-ri Naung). Tuma'bicarabutta of Gowa. Regent of Tallo from 1637, until his death. A learned ruler, fluent in Arabic, English, French, Latin, Makassarese, Malay, Portuguese, and Spanish. Highly conversant with European literature and mathematics, he maintained an extensive library with books on a wie variety of subjects and in several languages. m. Daeng Ngani. He d. at Bontobirang, 15th September 1653, having had issue:
            a) Karaeng Karunrung 'Abdu'l Hamid [Tumananga-ri Ujuntana]. b. 4th September 1631, educ. privately. Tuma'bicara-butta of Gowa 1654-1664 and 1677-1679. m. (first) 31st August 1646 (div. 6th January 1650), I-Mangurangi Karaeng Tamasanga (b. 7th June 1628; m. second, 17th June 1650, La Basolangi Sultan Ahmad Nazir ud-din, Datu of Luwu), daughter of Karaeng Sumanna, sometime Tuma'bicara-butta of Gowa. m. (second) Lomo Galorang (d. 14th February 1718). m. (third) (div. 29th June 1666) Sira Daeng Talele Karaeng Ballajawa (b. 10th September 1634; m. 16th March 1668, H.H. La Tan-ri Tatta Turong Tori Sompi Patta Malampei Gammana Daeng Serang To' Appatunru Paduka Sri Sultan Sa'ad ud-din, Arumpone of Bone; and d. 11th February 1721), former wife of Karaeng Bonto' Maronu, and younger daughter of I-Mallewai Daeng Ma'nassa Karaeng Mataoya, Karaeng of Chenrana and sometime Tumalailang of Gowa, by his wife, Daeng Mangeppe, daughter of I-Mallingkaang Daeng Mannyon-ri Karaeng Matoaya Sultan 'Abdu'llah Awwal al-Islam, Karaeng Tallo. m. (fourth) 1st August 1670, I-Tani. m. (fifth) 6th December 1675, I-Sarampa. He d. at Ujuntana, 27th January 1685, having had issue:
                i) Daeng Mattiru Manginara Majid ud-din. b. 5th April 1648 (s/o Tamasanga). m. 10th February 1663, the Princess of Dompu.
                ii) I-Maminawang Daeng Mangalliki Karaeng Kaballokang. m. 8th February 1669 (div. 6th April 1673), I-Bulomabassung I-Sunggu Daeng Talebang Karaeng Langelo Siti Latifa (b. 29th May 1655; d. 23rd April 1730), eldest daughter of H.H. I-Mallombassi Daeng Mattawang Karaeng Bonto Mangngape Sultan Muhammad Bakar Hasan ud-din Makassarnya, Sultan of Gowa, by his second wife, I-Peta' Daeng Nisali, daughter of Karaeng Banjuanjara of Sanrabone. He d. 11th January 1717, having had issue, a son:
                    (1) Karaeng Pangkajini 'Abdu'l Mumenin. b. 10th March 1670.
                iii) Karaeng Mandalle I-Tulolo Taj ud-din. b. 27th December 1653 (s/o Lomo Galorang). m. (first) 13th April 1670 (div. 1672), Daeng Mainga (b. 1653; m. second, 28th October 1672, I-Mappasomba Daeng Nguraga Sultan Amir Hamzah bin Sultan Muhammad Bakar Hasan ud-din, Sultan of Gowa; and b. 1653; d. 11th April 1734), daughter of Karaeng Bontokappang. m. (second) 11th November 1687, as her first husband, Karaeng Bontowa Siti Mutiat ud-din (b. 4th April 1665; d. at Rejo, Flores, 18th January 1714), daughter of Karaeng Ballo, by his wife, Karaeng Lakiyung Siti Shafur, youngest daughter of I-Mannuntungi Daeng Mattola Karaeng Ujung Sultan Muhammad Malik us-Said, Sultan of Gowa. He d. 9th April 1690, having had issue:
                    (1) Muhammad Said. b. 20th August 1671 (s/o Daeng Mainga).
                iv) Karaeng Bontomanai. m. 21st August 1683 (div. 15th July 1684), Daeng Mami Roqayah (b. 28th August 1670; m. second, 21st October 1684, To' Wappa, Arung Belo), youngest daughter of H.H. I-Mallombassi Daeng Mattawang Karaeng Bonto Mangngape Sultan Muhammad Bakar Hasan ud-din Makassarnya, Sultan of Gowa, by his fourth wife, Majannang I-Lo'mo' Tobo.
                i) Nur ul-Mahali. b. 30th October 1645.
                ii) Siti Anisha. b. 21st October 1649 (d/o Karaeng Tamasanga).
                iii) Daeng Nisaju. m. (first) (div. 14th May 1674), Daeng Marupa. m. (second) 5th September 1674, I-Mappatunru Daeng Matulang, Karaeng of Tanette (Agaang-niyanja), son of Daeng Matiring Ibrahim, Karaeng of Tanette (Agaang-niyanja). m. (third) 11th August 1677, Arung Marowangi [Marowangieng] (d. 7th January 1688), of Bone, brother of Arung Teko. m. (fourth) 31st October 1677 (div. 3rd July 1687), Arung Teko (d. 24th June 1718). She d. in Bima, 20th May 1730, having had issue, by Arung Teko, a son and a daughter:
                    (1) Daeng Mamuntuli, Arung Kayu. b. 18th April 1678 (s/o Arung Teko). He d. at Maros, 7th December 1736.
                    (1) Karaeng Balassari Zainab [Saena]. b. 9th August 1684 (s/o Arung Teko).
                iv) I-Saburo Daeng Mattini Karaeng Bontoramba. b. at Pasir, East Borneo, 1665 (d/o Karaeng Ballajawa). m. (first) 11th March 1677 (div. 13th August 1680), H.H. I-Mappajanji Daeng Matinri Karaeng Kanjilo Paduka Sri Sultan 'Abdu'l Kadir I, Sultan of Tallo (b. 7th January 1666; d. 8th January 1709), elder son of H.H. Karaeng Mapaijo Daeng Manjauru Sultan Harun ar-Rashid, Sultan of Tallo - see below. m. (second) 27th May 1682, La Malewai Karaeng Barrong, Arung Ujung, Aru of Barru, and Adatawang of Sidenreng, son of I-Limpo Daeng Mannako, Aru of Barru, by her husband, La Tenritipe, Arung Ujung, Adatawang of Sidenreng, by whom she had issue, one son and one daughter - see Indonesia (Barru). m. (third) 19th September 1688, Pakampi Daeng Mangemba, Arung Matowa Tanette (d. 15th February 1692), Regent of Sijang, son of the To' Sawa, Arung Tanette Matowa, by whom she had issue, two daughters - see below. m. (fourth) 1705, Aji Pangeran Adipati Tua ing Martapura [Pangeran Jambayan], Raja of Kutai Kertanegara (d. 1730), son of Aji Ragi Ratu Agung, Raja of Kutai Kertanegara. She d. at Kutai, 9th November 1712:
                    (1) Zainab. b. 2nd August 1693 (d/o Daeng Mangemba). m. 1708, as his first wife, La Padang Sajati To' Apawara Paduka Sri Sultan Sulaiman, Arumpone of Bone (b. 23rd September 1691), third son of H.H. La Patau Paduka Sri Sultan Idris, Arumpone. She had issue - see Indonesia (Bone).
                    (2) I-Ninu (d/o Daeng Mangemba). She d. in Tanette, 15th February 1728.
            b) Karaeng Bontosunggu Muhammad Shafi [Tumenanga-ri Taenga]. b. 26th December 1643, educ. privately. Regent of Tallo from 1653. Tuma'bicarabutta of Gowa 1685. m. (first) 6th August 1656 (div.), I-Sungguminasa Daeng Naratang Karaeng Sanggiringang Rabia (b. 8th January 1645; m. second, 8th November 1658, Karaeng Bungaya Salah ud-din), second daughter of I-Mannuntungi Daeng Mattola Karaeng Ujung Sultan Muhammad Malik us-Said, Sultan of Gowa, by his wife, I-Biessu Talampuang. m. (second), 24th October 1687, Karaeng Ballakeria. He d. 3rd July 1726, having had issue, one son and one daughter:
                i) H.H. Karaeng Majannang La Senrisang Sultan 'Abdu'l Kadir II, Sultan of Tallo - see below.
                i) Siti Hawa. b. 21st May 1710 (d/o the Lomo'). She d. 16th January 1720.
            a) I-Maminasa Daeng Sangnging Siti Safiyah. b. 2nd March 1633. m. 12th February 1645, as his first wife, H.H. I-Mallombassi Daeng Mattawang Karaeng-ri Bonto Mangngape Sultan Muhammad Bakir Hasan ud-din Makassarnya, Sultan of Gowa, son of I-Mannuntung Daeng Mattola Karaeng-ri Ujung Karaeng-ri Lakiung Sultan Malik us-Said, Sultan of Gowa, by his wife, Laikang Pattopakang I-Sa'be Lo'mo' Takontu, of Bone. She d. 11th October 1648, having had issue - see Indonesia (Gowa).
            b) I-Bata Daeng Tombi Karaeng Pabiniyang Siti Maimuna [Tumenanga-ri Bonto Biraeng]. b. 17th October 1637. m. (fifth) 21st May 1654, as his chief wife (div), H.H. I-Mallombassi Daeng Mattawang Karaeng Bonto Mangngape Sultan Muhammad Bakar Hasan ud-din Makassarnya, Sultan of Gowa (b. 12th January 1631; d. 12th June 1670), eldest son of I-Mannuntungi Daeng Mattola Karaeng Ujung Sultan Muhammad Malik us-Said, Sultan of Gowa, by his chief wife, Pattopakang I-Sa'be Lo'mo' Takontu. She had issue - see Indonesia (Gowa). m. (second), 16th September 1669, La Ten-ri Tuppa To' Walenae, Adatuwang of Sidenreng (d. 26th March 1721). She d. 13th December 1696, having had further issue - see Indonesia (Sidenreng).
        5) La Mallawakkang Daeng Sisila Karaeng Popo 'Abdu'l Kadir. b. 1615. Governor of Papekat until 1667. m. 2nd November 1650, I-Sinuku'. He d. at Bima, 7th March 1680, having had issue, two sons:
            a) Karaeng Bontomanompo Muhammad. b. 31st March 1647. m. (first) (div. 29th December 1680), Daeng Marannu  Karaeng Laikang (m. second, 14th September 1684, H.H. La Tan-ri Tatta Turong Tori Sompi Patta Malampei Gammana Daeng Serang To' Appatunru Paduka Sri Sultan Sa'ad ud-din, Arumpone of Bone), daughter of Pakkemba Karaeng Bonto' Maronu, of Gowa. m. (second) 27th August 1696, with the great-grandmother of Makkaraeng. He d. 22nd January 1733, having had issue:
                i) Daeng Mamangung I-Karisa. b. 5th September 1672.
                i) Daeng Matene Siti Abida. b. 31st October 1699. m. 18th June 1716, H.H. I-Mappaurangi Karaeng Kanjilo Paduka Sri Sultan Siraj ud-din, Sultan of Gowa and Tallo (b. 17th November 1687; d. 22nd January 1739), son of H.H. I-Mappajanji Daeng Matinri Karaeng Kanjilo Paduka Sri Sultan 'Abdu'l Kadir I, Sultan of Tallo, by his first wife, Karaeng Parang-parang, daughter of I-Mappaosong Daeng Mangngewai Karaeng Bisei Sultan Muhammad 'Ali, Sultan of Gowa. She d. 5th March 1724, having had issue, one son - see Indonesia (Gowa).
            b) Karaeng Bontopanno 'Abdu'l Ghafur. b. 14th April 1652 (s/o I-Sinuku'). Tuma'ilalang of Gowa. m. at Limpangang, 1st October 1719 (div. 20th February 1720), Karaeng Bontomasugi (d. 8th March 1740). He d. 6th February 1731.
            c) Daeng Mamaro. He was k. in battle, 3rd April 1675.
        6) Tumataya-ri Bantang Daeng Mangemba (full-brother of Karaeng Kanjilo). Went on the pilgrimage to Mecca, 1632. He d. at Banten, 20th May 1632.
        1) Daeng Mangeppe (full sister of Karaeng Popo). m. (div. 29th January 1650) I-Mallewai Daeng Ma'nassa Karaeng Mataoya. Karaeng-ri Mangngappe' later Karaeng-ri Cenrana. She d. 27th March 1676, having had issue, one son and two daughters - see Indonesia (Chenrana).

    continued on the next page.
         1636 - 1641 I-Manginyarang Karaeng Kanjilo Daeng Makiya Sultan 'Abdu'l Ja'afar Muzaffar [Tumalianga-ri Timuru], 7th Karaeng Tallo. b. 1593. He went on an expedition to Timor, 1629. Succeeded 1st October 1636. m. (first) Daeng Kallieng (d. at Segeri, 30th March 1631), daughter of I-Bissu Jamarang Karaeng Barombong, of Gowa. m. (second) 26th October 1637, I-Sabbe Daeng Tama'ga Karaeng Limpangang (d. 23rd December 1646), former wife of Karaeng Garassi', and daughter of I-Manga'rangi Daeng Mara'bia Sultan 'Ala ud-din, Sultan of Gowa, by his first wife, I-Laja Daeng Mappasang, daughter of Karaeng Manjalling. m. (third) the Daeng Lomo (m. second, La Tomparima, Arung Atakka and Arung Pattaja, and d. 13th June 1683). He d. 1641, having had issue:

        1) H.H. Karaeng Mappaijo Daeng Manjauru Sultan Harun ar-Rashid [Tumenanga-ri Lampana], 9th Karaeng Tallo and 1st Sultan of Tallo (s/o I-Sabbe) - see below.
        2) Daeng Mangappa. He was k. in Madura, January 1677.
        1) Karaeng Tangalla Siti Maraziah. b. 23rd November 1611 (d/o Daeng Kallieng). m. (first) 3rd December 1631 (div.), I-Mannuntungi Daeng Mattola Karaeng Ujung Sultan Muhammad Malik us-Said, Sultan of Gowa (b. 11th December 1605; d. 6th December 1653), elder son of I-Manga'rangi Daeng Mara'bia Sultan 'Ala ud-din, 1st Sultan of Gowa, by his second wife, I-Mainung Daeng Mattyini Karaeng Bontowa, elder daughter of Daeng Melu Karaeng Kasaurrang. She had issue - see Indonesia (Gowa). m. (second) 25th February 1649, I-Mammalijang Daeng Pole Karaeng Langkese (b. 15th October 1628; d. 10th April 1695), son of I-Mallewai Daeng Ma'nassa Karaeng Mataoya. Karaeng-ri Mangngappe' later Karaeng-ri Cenrana, sometime Tumalailang of Gowa, by his wife, Daeng Mangeppe, daughter of I-Mallingkaang Daeng Mannyon-ri Karaeng Matoaya Sultan 'Abdu'llah Awwal al-Islam, Karaeng Tallo. She d. 28th May 1661, having had further issue - see Indonesia (Chenrana).
        2) Daeng Nija Karaeng Panaikang. b. 15th January 1631 (d/o the Daeng Lomo). m. 24th December 1650 (div. 21st August 1655), Mas Pamayang [Mas Jini], Sultan of Sumbawa (d. December 1667), brother of Mas Goa, and son of the King of Salaparang - see Indonesia (Sumbawa). m. (second) 5th September 1656 (div. 9th June 1664) Kaicili' Kalimata (d. at Makassar, 23rd February 1676), son of H.H. Paduka Sri Sultan Muzaffar Shah I ibni al-Marhum Sultan Said ud-din Barakat Shah, Sultan of Ternate - see Indonesia (Ternate). m. (third) 17th August 1673, the son of the ruler of Laikang. She d. 13th January 1686.

    1641 - 1673 H.H. Karaeng Mapaijo Daeng Manjauru Sultan Harun ar-Rashid [Tumenanga-ri Lampana], 9th Karaeng Tallo and 1st Sultan of Tallo. b. 3rd November 1640. Proclaimed on the death of his father, 1641. Reigned under the regency of his uncle, Karaeng Pattingalong and cousin, Karaeng Bontosunggu. Defeated by the Dutch and entered into two contracts with the VOC dated 13th March 1668 and 15th July 1669. m. (first) Daeng Tuna (b. 1630; d. 8th March 1704). m. (second) 10th May 1669, Karaeng I-Bonto Mate'ne Siti Amina [Ruma-ta Paduka Talo] (b. 23rd January 1653; d. 13th March 1671), former wife of H.H. I-Mappadulung Daeng Mattimung Karaeng Sanrabone Sultan Fakhr ud-din 'Abdu'l Jalil bin Sultan Muhammad Bakar Hasan ud-din, Sultan of Gowa, and daughter of H.H. Paduka Sri Sultan 'Abdu'l Khair Siraj ud-din ibni al-Marhum Sultan 'Abdu'l Kahar, Sultan of Bima, by his wife, I-Patimang Daeng Nisakkang Karaeng Bonto Jena Fatima, eldest daughter of I-Mannuntungi Daeng Mattola Karaeng-ri Ujung Sultan Muhammad Malik us-Said, Sultan of Gowa. m. second, 3rd July 1670, Daeng Talarra (m. second, 11th May 1686, the son of the ruler of Dompu), former wife of H.H. I-Mappadulung Daeng Mattimung Karaeng Sanrabone Sultan Fakhr ud-din 'Abdu'l Jalil bin Sultan Muhammad Bakar Hasan ud-din, Sultan of Gowa. He d. in Sumbawa, 16th June 1673, having had issue, one son and two daughters:

        1) H.H. I-Mappajanji Daeng Matinri Karaeng Kanjilo Paduka Sri Sultan 'Abdu'l Kadir I, Sultan of Tallo (s/o Daeng Tuna) - see below.
        1) Karaeng Pasi. b. 5th April 1660. m. 13th February 1681 (div. 28th August 1683), Arung Teko (d. 24th June 1718). She d. 1st September 1714.
        2) Daeng Halima Karaeng Tanasanga (d/o Bonto Mate'ne). m. 29th January 1684, Mas Banten, Sultan of Sumbawa (d. 31st May 1713), son of Radin Subangsa of Banten, by his third wife, Mas Panghulu, sister of Karaeng Mas Goa, and daughter of Mas Surabaya, ruler of Silaparang. She d. 19th July 1693, having had issue, one son - see Indonesia (Sumbawa).

    1673 - 1709 H.H. I-Mappajanji Daeng Matinri Karaeng Kanjilo Paduka Sri Sultan 'Abdu'l Kadir I [Tumenaga-ri Passiringanna], Sultan of Tallo. b. 7th January 1666, educ. privately. Regent of Gowa 1669 - 1670. Succeeded on the death of his father, 16th June 1673. m. (first) 11th March 1677 (div. 13th August 1680), Daeng Mattini Karaeng Bontoramba (b. at Pasir, East Borneo, 1665; m. second, 27th May 1682, Karaeng Barrong, and d. at Kutai, November 1713), daughter of Karaeng Karunrung 'Abdu'l Hamid, sometime Tuma'bicara-butta of Gowa, by his wife, Sira Daeng Talele Karaeng Ballajawa, younger daughter of I-Mallewai Daeng Ma'nassa Karaeng Mataoya, Karaeng of Chenrana. m. (second) 23rd May 1684 (div. 18th November 1684), Karaeng Bulu-bulu Fatima (b. 23rd November 1666; d. 4th June 1705). m. (third) 18th July 1686 Daeng Khadija Karaeng Parang-parang (b. 18th November 1671; d. 13th June 1689), daughter of I-Mappasosong Daeng Mangngewai Karaeng Bisei Sultan Muhammad 'Ali bin Sultan Muhammad Bakar Hasan ud-din, Sultan of Gowa, by his wife, I-Sitti Karaeng Kampong-beru Daeng Talele. m. (fourth) 16th September 1688 (div. 7th April 1702), Daeng Tamenang, former wife of H.H. Paduka Sri Sultan Nur ud-din 'Abu' Bakar 'Ali Shah, Sultan of Bima, and daughter of I-Mallewai Daeng Ma'nassa Karaeng Mataoya, Karaeng of Chenrana and sometime Tumalailang of Gowa. He d. 8th January 1709, having had issue:

        1) H.H. I-Mappaurangi Karaeng Kanjilo Paduka Sri Sultan Siraj ud-din bin Sultan 'Abdu'l Kadir, Sultan of Gowa and Tallo (s/o Karaeng Parang-parang) - see below.
        1) Karaeng Pabiniyang Siti Rahima. b. 2nd January 1689 (d/o Karaeng Parang-parang). m. 16th May 1702 (div. 14th February 1708), H.H. La Parappa To' Aparapu Sappewali Madanrang Paduka Sri Sultan Shahab ud-din Ismail, Arumpone of Bone (b. 18th January 1690; d. 1st April 1724), eldest son of H.H. La Patau Paduka Sri Sultan Idris, Arumpone of Bone, by his fourth wife, I-Mariama Karaeng Patukangang La Mozossong-ri Abdul Jalil, daughter of H.H. I-Mappadulung Daeng Mattimung Karaeng Sanrabone Sultan Fakhr ud-din 'Abdu'l Jalil, Sultan of Gowa. She d. 27th October 1742, having had issue, one daughter - see Indonesia (Bone).
        2) Karaeng Pasi Siti Aisha. b. 19th December 1693. m. (first) 22nd May 1708 (div. 1718), as his third wife, H.H. Paduka Sri Sultan Muharram Harun ar-Rashid, Sultan of Sumbawa (b. 20th March 1688; d. 12th February 1725), elderst son of Mas Banten, Sultan of Sumbawa, by his wife, Daeng Halima Karaeng Tanasanga (d. 19th July 1693), daughter of H.H. Karaeng Mapaijo Daeng Manjauru Sultan Harun ar-Rashid, Sultan of Tallo. m. (second) 7th April 1722, Karaeng Allu Jalal ud-din (b. 23rd July 1693). She had issue, one daughter by her first husband - see Indonesia (Sumbawa).

    1709 - 1714 H.H. I-Mappaurangi Karaeng Kanjilo Paduka Sri Sultan Siraj ud-din [Tuammenang-ri-Pasi in Gowa or Tomamaliang-ri Gaukana in Tallo], Sultan of Gowa and Tallo (first time) - see below.
    1714 - 1729 H.H. I-Manariba Karaeng Kanjilo Paduka Sri Sultan Nazim ud-din [Tumamenanga-ri Jawaiya], Sultan of Tallo. b. 23rd December 1708. Appointed as Karaeng Kanjilo 15th October 1714. Succeeded on the abdication of his father, 18th November 1714. m. (first) 18th November 1723, Jole, Karaeng of Laikang (d. 1st July 1733), half-sister of Karaeng Limpangang. m. (second) 16th October 1724, Karaeng Patukangang Siti Zainab (b. 3rd January 1709; d. 19th January 1740), elder daughter of H.H. La Parappa To' Aparapu Sappewali Madanrang Daeng Bonto Karaeng Anamonjang Paduka Sri Sultan Shahab ud-din Ismail, Sultan of Gowa, by his first wife, Siti Labiba, daughter of Shaikh Yusuf. He had issue, one son and one daughter:

        1) I-Mapatulla Karaeng Kanjilo Muhammad Zainal Abidin [Janala]. b. 30th October 1725 (s/o Siti Zainab), educ. privately. Regent for his son 1760-1761. m. H.H. Sangaji Perempuan Ruma Partiga Kamalah Shah binti Sultan 'Ala ud-din Muhammad, Sultana of Bima (b. at Makassar, 27th April 1728; d. 1753), eldest daughter of H.H. Paduka Sri Sultan 'Ala ud-din Muhammad Shah Zillu'llahi fil-'Alam ibni al-Marhum Sultan Hasan ud-din, Sultan of Bima. He d. 1783, having had issue:
            a) H.H. Karaeng Sapanang Tu-Timoka, Sultan of Tallo - see below.
        1) I-Sugi-Ratu Siti Amina, Arung Teko and Arung Kaju. b. 14th October 1729 (d/o Siti Zainab). m. 15th October 1743, Arung Ujumpulu II [Matinraye-ri Tanu Manridiye], Adatuwang of Sidenreng, younger son of Arung Zallieng, Adatuwang of Sidenreng. She had issue - see Indonesia (Sidenreng).

    1709-1714 and 1729-1735 H.H. I-Mappaurangi Karaeng Kanjilo Paduka Sri Sultan Siraj ud-din [Tuammenang-ri-Pasi in Gowa or Tomamaliang-ri Gaukana in Tallo], Sultan of Gowa and Tallo. b. 17th November 1687, son of H.H. Paduka Sri Sultan 'Abdu'l Kadir I, Sultan of Tallo, by his first wife, Karaeng Parang-parang, daughter of I-Mappaosong Daeng Mangngewai Karaeng Bisei Sultan Muhammad 'Ali, Sultan of Gowa. Succeeded on the death of his father as Sultan of Tallo, 8th January 1709. Installed, 31st May 1709. Proclaimed as Sultan of Gowa, after the deposition of Sultan Shahab ud-din, 31st August 1712. Abdicated as Sultan of Tallo in favour of his eldest son, 1725. Fled to Tallo in fear of an attack from Karaeng Bontolangkasa and Aru Sinkang, 5th November 1735. m. (first) 21st January 1702 (div. 11th September 1706), Karaeng Bonto Mate'ne (m. second, 29th April 1708, Arung Lalolang, of Tanette). m. (second) 1st January 1707, Zainab [Saena] Karaeng Balassari (cre. 31st December 1714) (b. 9th August 1684; m. second, 8th September 1716, Makkadangtana, Arung Ujung, of Bone, and d. 31st October 1717), daughter of Arung Teko, by his wife, Daeng Nisaju, daughter of Karaeng Karunrung 'Abdu'l Hamid, sometime Tuma'bicara-butta of Gowa. m. (third) Karaeng Limpangang. m. (fourth) 18th June 1716, Daeng Matene Siti Abida (b. 31st October 1699; d. 5th March 1724), daughter of Karaeng Bontomanompo Muhammad. m. (fifth) Safiyah. m. (sixth) 19th March 1726, I-Rakkia Karaeng Agangjini, Arung of Barru (b. 10th September 1686; d. at Tallo, 28th December 1735), former wife of H.H. Sultan Muharram Harun ar-Rashid, Sultan of Sumbawa, and daughter of Karaeng Barrong, by his wife, Daeng Mattini Karaeng Bontoramba, younger daughter of 'Abdu'l Hamid Karaeng Karunrung. He d. 22nd January 1739, having had issue, three sons:

        1) H.H. I-Manariba Karaeng Kanjilo Paduka Sri Sultan Nazim ud-din, Sultan of Tallo (s/o Zainab) - see Indonesia (Tallo).
        2) I-Maniembang-gau Muhi ud-din. b. 27th September 1720 (s/o Siti Abida).
        3) H.H. I-Makaraeng Tamasangang Karaeng Katangka Sultan Zain ud-din, Sultan of Gowa (s/o Pa' Bineang) - see below.
        4) I-Mangambojava Shafi ud-din. b. 6th July 1725 (s/o Safiyah).
        5) I-Mappainga Karaeng Limpangang Safi ud-din, who succeeded as H.H. I-Mappainga Karaeng Limpangang Paduka Sri Sultan Safi ud-din, Sultan of Tallo (s/o I-Rakkia) - see Indonesia (Tallo).
        1) A daughter b. 5th December 1704 (d/o Karaeng Bonto Mate'ne).
        2) Siti Nafisa Karaeng Tabaringang (cre. 3rd June 1718). b. 8th February 1706. m. 18th January 1721, H.H. Karaeng Majannang La Sanrisang Sultan 'Abdu'l Kadir II, Sultan of Tallo (b. 3rd March 1707; d. 6th April 1767), son of Karaeng Bontosunggu Muhammad Shafi, sometime Tuma'bicarabutta of Gowa. She d. 10th October 1732 - see Indonesia (Tallo).
        3) I-Mamunjaragi Siti Maimuna Karaeng Tanasanga. b. 30th December 1707 (d/o Zainab). m. (first) 'Abdu'llah Sulaiman 'Ali Shah, son of H.H. Paduka Seri Sultan Hasan ud-din Muhammad 'Ali Shah ibni al-Marhum Sultan Jamal ud-din, Sultan of Bima. m. (second) 5th April 1727 (div. 1733), H.H. Paduka Sri Sultan 'Ala ud-din Muhammad Shah Zillullahi fil Alam ibni al-Marhum Sultan Hasan ud-din, Sultan of Bima (b. 1706; d. at Daha, 17th or 27th May 1748), elder son of H.H. Paduka Sri Sultan Hasan ud-din Muhammad Ali Shah ibni al-Marhum Sultan Jamal ud-din, Sultan of Bima. She had issue - see Indonesia (Bima). m. (third) 19th March 1740, La Tan-ri Odang Daeng Mattinri Sultan Yussuf Fakhr ud-din, Karaeng of Tanette and Datu Soppeng (d. July 1747) - see Indonesia (Tanette and Soppeng). She d. 1778.
        4) I-Tanripada Siti Arifa Karaeng Tangalla. b. 24th September 1711 (d/o Zainab). m. 17th September 1728, To' Wampo, Adatuwang of Sidenreng, son of Arung Zallieng, Adatuwang of Sidenreng. She d. 21st May 1746, having had issue - see Indonesia (Sidenreng).
        5) Siti Hasana. b. 6th October 1725 (d/o I-Tifa).
        6) I-Sariambaraja Siti Amina. b. 29th January 1726 (d/o I-Sa'ida).
    1735 - 1760 H.H. I-Mappainga Karaeng Limpangang Paduka Sri Sultan Safi ud-din [I-Makkasuma], Sultan of Tallo. b. 7th December 1709. Appointed as Karaeng Limpangang 18th December 1714. Regent of Gowa. Succeeded on the abdication of his father, 5th November 1735. m. (first) 3rd November 1725, H.H. I-Tanitaja Siti Amira Maning Ratu [MatinroE-ri Lanna], Arung Palakka (b. 9th May 1711; d. at Barisallo, 8th January 1779), younger daughter of H.H. La Parappa To' Aparapu Sappewali Madanrang Daeng Bonto Karaeng Anamonjang Paduka Sri Sultan Shahab ud-din Ismail, Sultan of Gowa and Arumpone of Bone, by his second wife, Siti Rahima Karaeng Pabiniyang, daughter of H.H. I-Mappajanji Daeng Matinri Karaeng Kanjilo Paduka Sri Sultan 'Abdu'l Kadir I, Sultan of Tallo. m. (second) 14th March 1746 (div. 26th April 1751), Karaeng Mangkara' bombang, daughter of Karaeng Manaungil. He d. 1760, having had issue, five sons and four daughters:

        1) Karaeng Segeri.
        2) H.H. I-Mappatunru I-Manginyarang Karaeng Lembangparang Sultan 'Abdu'l Rauf bin Sultan Safi ud-din, Sultan of Gowa and Tallo (s/o Mangkara'bombang) - see below
        3) I-Malawanggau Mansur Shah, who succeeded as H.H I-Malawanggau Sultan 'Abdu'l Khair al-Mansur Shah bin Sultan Safi ud-din, Sultan of Gowa (s/o Siti Amira) - see Indonesia (Gowa).
        4) H.H I-Mappaba'basa Sultan 'Abdu'l Kudus bin Sultan Safi ud-din, Sultan of Gowa (s/o Siti Amira) - see Indonesia (Gowa).
        5) I-Manjombali Daeng Patompo Karaeng Barang Mamase, Pa'bijara Buta ri-Gowa (s/o Mangkara'bombang). m. Karaeng Bontomasugi, elder daughter of H.H I-Mappasossong Sultan Muhammad Kahar ud-din Mapadusu, Sultan of Sumbawa, by his wife, H.H. Sultana I-Sugi Karaeng Bontowa, daughter of H.H. Sultan Muharram Harun ar-Rashid, Sultan of Sumbawa. He had issue, a son:
            a) Mahmud Daeng Sisila Karaeng Berowangang, Pa'bijara Buta ri-Gowa. Regent for his son from 1st September 1825. m. I-Galaga Karaeng Mangkara'bombang, eldest daughter of H.H. I-Mappatunru I-Manginyarang Karaeng Lembangparang Sultan 'Abdu'l Rauf, Sultan of Gowa and Tallo, by his wife, Ralleratu Karaeng Lipukasi. He d. 28th November 1850, having had issue, a son and a daughter.
                i) H.H. I-Kumala Karaeng Lembangparang Sultan 'Abdu'l Kadir Muhammad 'Aidid, Sultan of Gowa and Tallo - see below.
                ii) I-Sompa Maddellung Karaeng Tanete. m. To' Wappatunru Karaeng Berowangang, brother of La Pangurisang Muhammad 'Ali, Adatuwang of Sidenreng. She had issue, two sons - see Indonesia (Sidenreng).
        1) H.H I-Maddelung Karaeng Bontomasugi Sultana Siti Saleh II [Tumenanga-ri Kanatoajenna], Sultana of Tallo (d/o Mangkara'bombang) - see below.
        2) I-Danra-Datu Siti Nafisah Karaeng Langelo, who succeeded as H.H. I-Danraja Siti Nafisah Karaeng Langelo, Arumpone of Bone (d/o Siti Amira) - see Indonesia (Bone).
        3) I-Rida Siti Rahmat. b. 13th October 1730 (d/o Siti Amira).
        4) Karaeng Limpangang. m. 11th April 1748 (div. 13th February 1751), Arung Sumalieng, son of I-Massanglomo Muhammad Sadiq Manrijogau, Arung Sumalieng, sometime Punggwa of Bone. She had issue - see Indonesia (Gowa).

    1760 - 1761 H.H. Karaeng Sapanang Tu-Timoka, Sultan of Tallo, son of I-Mapatulla Karaeng Kanjilo Muhammad Zainal Abidin, Sultan of Tallo. Proclaimed on the death of his grand uncle, 1760. Reigned under the regency of his father. Deposed by the Chief Minister of Gowa. He d. 18xx.
    1761 - 1767 H.H. Karaeng Majannang La Sanrisang Sultan 'Abdu'l Kadir II [Tumenanga-ri Buttana], Sultan of Tallo. b. 3rd March 1707, son of Karaeng Bontosunggu Muhammad Shafi, sometime Tuma'bicarabutta of Gowa. Succeeded his father in the office of Tuma'bicarabutta (Chief Minister) of Gowa 1735. Regent of Gowa 1742-1743. Deposed Karaeng Sapanang and usurped the throne of Tallo, 1761. m. 18th January 1721, Siti Nafisah Karaeng Tabaringang (cre. 3rd June 1718) (b. 8th February 1706; d. 10th October 1732), second daughter of H.H. I-Mappaurangi Karaeng Kanjilo Paduka Sri Sultan Siraj ud-din, Sultan of Gowa and Tallo, by his first wife, Karaeng Bonto Mate'ne. He d. 6th April 1767.
    1767 - 1777 H.H. I-Chuma Riambabulang Karaeng Karuwisi Sultana Siti Saliha I, Sultana of Tallo. b. 14th December 1726. Elected on the death of Sultan 'Abdu'l Kadir II, 6th April 1767. Crowned at Tallo, 11th May 1767. Princess of Taenga before her accession. Entered into the first contract with the government of the NEI, 16th May 1768. Abdicated 1st June 1777. She d. 1778, having had issue:

        1) a daughter. b. 28th March 1747.

    1777 - 1780 Interregnum. Administrative chaos under Sankilang, an imposter claiming to be the exiled Sultan Usman Fakhr ud-din of Gowa.
    1780 - 1824 H.H I-Maddelung Karaeng Bontomasugi Sultana Siti Saliha II [Tumenanga-ri-Kanatojenna], Sultana of Tallo. Restored with Dutch help, after her husband had negotiated a new contract with them, 2nd August 1780, but the administration of the state remained under direct Dutch rule. Restored to the throne of her ancestors by the British 23rd June 1814. m. (first) July 1780, La Potto, Datu Bariengang, only son of La Mapasossong Petta Paduka Sri Sultan 'Abdu'l Razzaq Jalal ud-din, Arumpone of Bone. m. (second) La Temmupage [MatinroE ri-Alau' Appasareng], Punggwa of Bone. She d. May 1824, having had issue, a daughter:

        1) Karaeng Rapochini (d/o La Temmupage). m. 1799, Arung Sumalieng, son of La Tan-ri Tappu To' Appaliweng Paduka Sri Sultan Ahmad as-Salih Shams ud-din, Arumpone of Bone - see Indonesia (Bone).

    1824 - 1825 H.H. I-Mappatunru I-Manginyarang Karaeng Lembangparang Paduka Sri Sultan 'Abdu'l Rauf [Tumenanga-ri-Katangka], Sultan of Gowa and Tallo. b. 9th December 1749, second son of son of H.H. I-Mappainga Karaeng Limpangang Paduka Sri Sultan Safi ud-din, Sultan of Tallo. Bicharabutta of Gowa from 31st January 1789. Proclaimed as Sultan of Gowa after the defeat and expulsion of the Bugis, by General Nightingale's expedition in 1814. Proclaimed as Sultan of Tallo in 1824. Rcvd: a gold medal from the HEIC "as a token of friendship and esteem and in testimony of his attachment and faithful services" (1814) and "Groote gegraveerde gouden ovale penning aan eene gouden keten" (15.10.1818). m. (first) I-Ralle, Arung Lipukasi. m. (second) …He d. at Katangka, 1825, having had issue, two sons and three daughters:

        1) H.H. La Oddanriwu Karaeng Katangka Paduka Sri Sultan 'Abdu'l Rahman ibnu Sultan 'Abdu'l Rauf, Sultan of Gowa and Tallo - see below.
        2) Karaeng Buwakana (s/o a junior wife).
        1) I-Galaga Karaeng Mangkara'bombang. m. Mahmud Daeng Sisila Karaeng Berowangang, Pa'bijara Buta ri-Gowa (d. 28th November 1850), Regent for his son from 1st September 1825, son of Manjombali Daeng Patompo Karaeng Barang Mamase, Pa'bijara Buta ri-Gowa, by his wife, Karaeng Bontomasugi, daughter of H.H I-Mappasossong Sultan Muhammad Kahar ud-din Mappadusu, Sultan of Sumbawa. She had issue, one son and one daughter:
            a) H.H. I-Kumala Karaeng Lembangparang Paduka Sri Sultan 'Abdu'l Kadir Muhammad 'Aidid, Sultan of Gowa and Tallo - see below.
            a) I-Sompa Maddellung Karaeng Tanete. m. To' Wappatunru Karaeng Berowangang, Bichara-Butta of Gowa, brother of La Pangurisang Muhammad 'Ali, Adatuwang of Sidenreng. She had issue, two sons - see Indonesia (Sidenreng).
        2) I-Mangimatu Siti Aisha Karaeng Bontomasugi, who succeeded as H.H. Paduka Sri Sultana Bata-ri Toja Siti Aisha binti Sultan 'Abdu'l Rauf, Sultana of Tallo - see below.
        3) To' Wala Karaeng Lampangang.

    1825  H.H. I-Kumala Karaeng Lembangparang Sri Sultan 'Abdu'l Kadir Muhammad 'Aidid [Tumenanga-ri-Kakoasangna], Sultan of Gowa and Tallo. b. 1817, educ. privately. Succeeded on the deposition of his uncle, 1st September 1825. Reigned under the Regency of his father. Ascended the throne and assumed the style of Sultan 'Abdu'l Kadir Muhammad 'Aidid, 22nd October 1844. Installed 6th October 1852. Rcvd: Knt. of the Order of the Netherlands Lion (14.6.1873). m. I-Senong Karaeng Lakiung (d. 7th December 1870), daughter of I-Balimong Karaeng Popo, by his wife, Karaeng Agangpanchaiya. He d. 30th January 1893, having had issue, six sons and several daughters - see Indonesia (Gowa).
    1825 - 1845 H.H. La Oddanriwu Karaeng Katangka Paduka Sri Sultan 'Abdu'l Rahman ibnu Sultan 'Abdu'l Rauf [Tumenanga-ri-Suangga], Sultan of Gowa and Tallo. Deposed, 1st September 1825. m. I-Abang. He d. at Suangga, 1845, having had issue:

        1) La Ija To' Wakka Daeng Matuppu Karaeng Lololang (s/o I-Abang). He had issue, a daughter:
            a) I-Basse. m. her first cousin, H.H. La Makkarumpa Daeng Parani, Sultan of Tallo, son of Fakhr ud-din Karaeng Katapang, the Tumailalang Towa of Gowa, by his wife, I-Deko Karaeng Lakiung, daughter of H.H. La Oddanriwu Karaeng Katangka Sultan 'Abdu'l Rahman, Sultan of Gowa and Tallo - see below.
        1) I-Deko Karaeng Lakiung (d/o Ralleratu). m. Fakhr ud-din Karaeng Katapang. Tumailalang Towa of Gowa. She had issue, one son and one daughter:
            a) H.H. La Makkarumpa Daeng Parani, Sultan of Tallo - see below.
            a) I-Kolosong Karaeng Langello.

    1845 - 1850 H.H Bata-ri Toja Karaeng Bontomasugi Sultana Siti Aisha [Tumenanga-ri-Bontomanai], Sultana of Tallo, daughter of H.H. I-Mappatunru I-Manginyarang Karaeng Lembangparang Sultan 'Abdu'l Rauf, Sultan of Gowa and Tallo. Succeeded on the death of her brother, 1845. m. 1848, La Patua 'Abdu'llah Saipu, Datu of Tanette. She d.s.p. 1850.
    1850 - 1856 H.H. La Makkarumpa Daeng Parani, Sultan of Tallo, son of Fakhr ud-din Karaeng Katapang, the Tumailalang Towa of Gowa, by his wife, I-Deko Karaeng Lakiung, daughter of H.H. La Oddanriwu Karaeng Katangka Sultan 'Abdu'l Rahman, Sultan of Gowa and Tallo. Styled Arung Lipukasi after 1851. Deposed and pensioned by the Dutch, 16th April 1856. Allowed to continue as Aru of Lipusaki after his deposition. m. I-Basse, daughter of La Ija To' Wakka Daeng Matuppu Karaeng Lololang.

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