Selasa, 23 Agustus 2011

Silsilah Raja (Karaeng) Gowa;Macazzar kingdom


The state of Gowa was in existence before 1300 and was said to have been founded by four princes namely, Batara Guru, Ratu Sapu Marantaia, Karaeng Katanka, and a fourth whose name has escaped history. In time, the original four states grew into a confederation of nine: Tombolo, Lakiung, Parang-parang, Data, Agagjene, Saumata, Bissei, Sero and Kalli. The hereditary rulers of these nine states elected a leader, known as the Paccalla, to regulate affairs between them. Later still, during a time of chaos and warfare, To' Manurunga, a woman of celestial origin descended to earth and established her rule over the whole the entire kingdom.

The original concept of confederation extended to include a powerful alliance with the neigbouring kingdom of Tallo. Generations of intermarriage between the two Royal families resulted in a dual kingdom that dominated the Makassarese world. Although the kingdom of Gowa was the senior of the two, the ruler of Tallo also served as Viceroy, or Deputy Ruler, of Gowa.The heyday of this dual kingdom lasted from 1590 until the Dutch conquest in 1669. The dual kingdom converted to Islam 1605, "inviting" the other principalities and kingdoms in the vicinity to do the same. On their failure to do so, the Makassarese launched a jihad to convert them by force. Boni, Bima, Sumbawa and a number of smaller states fell to stronger arms, or peacefully submitted to Islam, during a series of expeditions between 1611 and 1620. The sultanate accepted the protection of the VOC in 1669.

Gowa remained relatively peaceful until 1777, when a pretender emerged claiming to be the exiled Sultan Usman Fakhr ud-din. Known as Sankilang, he managed to convince several members of the Royal family, including the former Sultan's mother. He gained a large following and quickly conquered Gowa and Tallo. He deposed and expelled Sultan Zain ud-din and caused the abdication of the Sultana of Tallo. It took the Dutch four years to dislodge him, but he managed to escape into the jungles and hold out for a further three years.

Increasing encroachments by the colonial power, sapped away at the power and prestige of the Sultan. Faced with a stifly worded ultimatum in 1905, Sultan Husain escaped into the interior and began a guerilla resistence to the Dutch. After a brief war, the Dutch defeated the Gowan forces. The sultan having died in the jungles, they abolshed the sultanate and placed Gowa under direct rule.

In line with a new policy of "self-rule", the Gowan sultanate was restored, along with a number of other states, in 1936. His son and successor, Sultan Muhammad 'Abdu'l Kadir Aid ud-din, sided with the new Indonesian Republic during their struggle with the Dutch. Perhaps for this reason, the sultanate survived longer than many other princely states. However, this status was eventually terminated on1st July 1960. Nevertherless, the sultan continued to enjoy an honoured place in society, together with his styles and titles, for the rest of his life. His second son, Andi Kumala, succeeded to the styles and titles, and to the nominal sultanate in 1978.

The ruling prince: Sultan (or Batara) of Gowa, with the style of His Highness.
The Heir Apparent: Pati-Matarang.
The younger sons of the ruling prince: Andi (personal name) Karaeng (personal title).
The daughters of the ruling prince: Siti (personal name) Karaeng (personal title).

Primogeniture, the children of Royal wives succeeding before those of junior wives or commoners, and sons succeeding before daughters.


Adat: traditional custom, status.
: princes.
Batakang: spear.
Bate Salapang: the supreme advisory council of nobles.
Bate-bate: prince of a small state.
Bicara: process of law.
Dewata: God.
Gallarang: head of a village or region.
: sacred object.
Jennang: regent.
Kali: the chief Islamic official in the kingdom.
Kafir: unbeliever.
Karaeng: prince, ruler.
Karaeng: the title borne by the ruler of Gowa before Islamisation.
Musu'asellennge: a term applied to the Islamisation wars of the early seventeenth century
Pacce: "pain", i.e. empathy with one's fellow man. A term applied to the spiritual unity of the people.
Paccalla: the elected ruler of the original federation of nine states.
Pati-Matarang: Heir Apparent of Gowa.
Rapang: a "Mirror of Kings" chronicling the wisdom of the ages and a guide for good government.
: "the nine banners". A term applied to the core of nine states forming the original union of the Goa kingdom.
: crown.
Sambangang pulawang: gold chains with pendant medals forming part of the regalia, but originally bestowed by European powers on earlier rulers. The reigning Sultan had six, when the Republic was established.
Siri: face, as in self-respect or worth.
Sarat: Islamic religious council.
Shahbandar: minister for external trade, and chief collector of revenue and customs.
Siri: face, as in self-respect or worth.
: the state sword used in the installation ceremony for a new ruler.
Sultan: prince, ruler. A title borne by the ruler of Gowa after Islamisation.
Syurga: Heaven.
Tautongang: gentry, lower nobility.
Tuma'bicara-butta: "spokesman of the land", the most senior office in the land after the ruler. A title often equated with Prime Minister.
Tuma'ilalang: Minister fore Home Affairs.
Tuma'ilalang Lolo: 'the younger Tuma'ilalang', a high official who serves as the intermediary between the Tuma'bicara-butta and the Bate Salapang.
Tuma'ilalang Toa: 'the older Tuma'ilalang', the title of the presdt. of the Bate Salapang.
Tuma'kkajananngang Ana'bura: Minister in charge of Public Works, Crafts, Local Industry, etc.
Tuma'nurung: "he/she who descended", a term applied to the legendary rulers of the state and their descendants.
Tunisombaya: 'he who is given obeisance', a term of address applied to the ruler.

Abdurrazak daeng Patunru, Sedjarah Goa. Jajasan Kebudajaen Sulawesi Selatan dan Tenggara, Makassar, 1967.
Leonard Y. Andaya, The Heritage of Arung Palakka: A History of South Sulawesi (Celebes) in the Seventeenth Century. Verhandelingen van het Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde, The Hague, 1981.
"Beknopte Geschiedenis van het Makassaarsche, Celebes en Onderhoorigheden". Tijschrift voor Nederlandsch Indie, Jaargang X, Eerste Deel, Batavia, 1848.
R. Blok, History of the Island of Celebes. Calcutta Gazette Press, 1817.
A. Ligtvoet, "Transcriptie van de Lontara-Bilang of het Dagboek der Vorsten van Gowa en Tello", Bijdragen tot de Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde van Nederlandsch-Indië, Vierde Volgteeks, Vierde Deel - 1e stuk. Koninklijk Instituut voor Taal-, Land- en Volkenkunde, The Hague, 1880. pp 1-259.
Prof. Drs. G.J. Wolhoff dan Abdurrahim, Sedjarah Goa. Jajasan Kebudajaan Sulawesi. Slatan & Tenggara, 1960.

D. Tick, Pusat Dokumentasi Kerajaan-Kerajaan di Indonesia "Pusaka".

The First (or Celestial) Dynasty
Batara Guru I

Batara Lettu

Saweri Gading

Letta Pareppa

Simpuru Siyang



La Malolo

The Second Dynasty

Ratu Sapu Marantaiya

Karaeng Katangka I

Karaeng Bate Salapang

Karaeng Garassi

Karaeng Katengang

Karaeng Parigi

Karaeng Siang

Karaeng Sidangraye

Karaeng Lebangan

Karaeng Panaikang

Karaeng Madulo

Karaeng Jampaga

The Third Dynasty

a. 1300  I-Taru'ballanga Karaeng Bayo To' Manurunga (fl), Somba-ri Gowa. m. as his second wife, Karaeng Bayolah, Karaeng of Bunthon. She had issue, a son:
·         1) I-Massalangga Barayang [Karaeng Tumassalangga], Somba-ri Gowa - see below.

I-Massalangga Barayang [Karaeng Tumassalangga], Somba-ri Gowa. He dissapeared to heaven, leaving issue, a son:
·         1) I-Puwang LomoE Lembang, Somba-ri Gowa - see below.

I-Puwang LomoE Lembang, Somba-ri Gowa. He dissapeared to heaven, leaving issue, a son:
·         1) Tuniyataban-ri, Somba-ri Gowa - see below.

I-Tuniyataban-ri, Somba-ri Gowa. He dissapeared to heaven, leaving issue, a son:
·         1) Karaeng Puwanga, Somba-ri Gowa - see below.

Karaeng Puwanga [Karampang-ri Gowa], Somba-ri Gowa. He dissapeared to heaven, leaving issue, a son:
·         1) Tunitangkalopi, Somba-ri Gowa - see below.

13xx - 1405 Tunitangkalopi, Somba-ri Gowa. He was probably the first "mortal" ruler. m. and had issue:
·         1) Batara Gowa I, Somba-ri Gowa - see below.
·         2) Karaeng Loe-ri Sero', 1st Karaeng Tallo - see Indonesia (Tallo).

1405 - 1425 Batara Gowa I [Tuniawanga-ri Parang Lakenna], Somba-ri Gowa. m. (first) I-Rejasi. m. (second) Karaeng Makeboka, daughter of the Somba-ri Garassi'. He had issue, two sons and two daughters daughter:
·         1) I-Pakere'tau Karaeng Tunijallo'-ri Pasukki', Somba-ri Gowa (s/o Makeboka) - see below.
·         2) Karaeng TuMapa'risi' Kallonna, Somba-ri of Gowa (s/o I-Rejasi) - see below.
·         1) I-Baratawua Karaeng Garassi' (d/o Makeboka). m. I-Bila Karaeng Mattjillaka, and had issue:
·         a) Karaeng Botoroka, who had issue:
·         i) Karaeng Tomponga.
·         ii) Karaeng Marusu'.
·         b) Karaeng Loaya, who had issue:
·         i) Karaeng Patte'ne.
·         a) Karaeng Taipaya, who had issue:
·         i) Daeng Bodo, who had issue:
·         (1) I-Karelu'mu'
·         b) Karaeng Bolapapanga.
·         2) Another daughter (d/o Makeboka). m. the Arumponi of Boni (unnamed).

14xx - 1511 I-Pakere'tau Karaeng Tunijallo'-ri Pasukki' [Tunyachoka-ri Langkaje'], Somba-ri Gowa. Succeeded on the death of his father. m. I-Sambo Daeng Niaseng Karaeng Patingalaong, daughter of Karaeng Mappatakang Kantana, Karaeng Tallo. m. Daeng Rappochini Karaeng Jipang. He d. 1511 (succ. by his younger brother).

1511 - 1546 Daeng Matanro Karaeng Mangutungi [TuMapa'risi' Kallonna], Somba-ri of Gowa. Succeeded his elder brother, 1511. m. (first) I-Reija Karaeng Lowe, daughter Karaeng Tunilabu-ri Suriwa, 2nd Karaeng Tallo. m. (second) "Polombangkeng", daughter of Karaeng Jamarang, by his wife, Karaeng Jonggoa. He d. 1547, having had issue:
·         1) I-Mariwagau' Daeng Bonto Karaeng Lakiung [Tunipalangga-Ulaweng], Somba-ri of Gowa (s/o Tunilabu-ri Suriwa) - see below.
·         2) I-Tajibarani Karaeng Tunibatta, Somba-ri of Gowa (s/o Tunilabu-ri Suriwa) - see below.
·         1) I-Sapi Karaeng Somba Opu (d/o Tunilabu-ri Suriwa). m. (first) Karaeng Tunikakkasang. m. (second) Karaeng I-Mappatakang Kantana Daeng Padulu, Karaeng of Tallo, by whom she had issue, one son and two daughters - see Indonesia (Tallo). She also had issue, two sons by her first husband:
·         a) Karaeng Tumenanga-ri Gaukanna.
·         b) Karaeng Batu-Batu.
·         2) I-Tapachinna Karaeng Boni (d/o Tunilabu-ri Suriwa). m. Karaeng Pakaleballaka Daeng Matto' or Daeng Mamo.
·         3) Opu …. m. I-Mangngarai Daeng Mammeta Karaeng Bontolangkasa Tunijallo', Somba-ri of Gowa (d. 1590), son of Karaeng Tunibatta, 12th Somba-ri of Gowa. - see below.
·         4) I-Kawatang (d/o Polombangkeng). m. Karaeng Tunipassuru-ri Lello Mangayowang Berang, Karaeng of Tallo, son of Karaeng Tunilabu-ri Suriwa, Karaeng of Tallo, by his wife, Njai Papati, a Javanese princess from Surabaya - see Indonesia (Tallo).

1547 - 1565 I-Mariwagau' Daeng Bonto Karaeng Lakiung [Tunipalangga-Ulaweng], Somba-ri of Gowa. Succeeded his father, 1547. He d. from his wounds sustained during the battle of Cellu, 1565.

1565  I-Tajibarani Daeng Marompa Karaeng Data [Karaeng Tunibatta], Somba-ri of Gowa. Succeeded his brother but reigned for just one month, 1565. m. a daughter of Karaeng Jamarang. m. I-Daeng Mangkasara, daughter of Karaeng Jamarang. m. I-Marusnia, daughter of Karaeng Tunipassuru-ri Lello Mangayowang Berang, 3rd Karaeng Tallo. m. Jampagaya. He was k. (beheaded) by the Boni forces, at Bukaka, 1565, having had issue:
·         1) I-Mangarai Daeng Mammeta Karaeng Bontolangkasa [Tunijallo'], Somba-ri of Gowa (s/o Daeng Mangkasara) - see below.
·         2) I-Tamakebo' Daeng Mate'ne Karaeng Mape'daka Karaeng Botongang (s/o Daeng Mangkasara).
·         3) Daeng Manyoko Karaeng Tunipasuru' Karaenga-ri Makkoayang and later Karaenga-ri Barang Patola (s/o Marusnia).

Sabtu, 13 Agustus 2011


    The Royal Ark


    AAG  Assistant Adjutant-General
    AC  Member of the second class or, Companion of the Order of Australia. Ashok Chakra (India).
    ACF  Army Cadet Force
    ACM  Air Chief Marshal
    AD  Anno Domini, i.e. in the year of our Lord, Christian calendar. Member of the first class or, Dame of the Order of Australia.
    ADC  Aide de Camp
    ADC Gen. Aide de Camp General
    Adj.  Adjutant
    Adm.  Admiral
    Admin. Administrator, administration
    ADO  Assistant District Officer
    AE  Recipient of the Air Efficiency Award
    AF(I)  Auxiliary Force (India)
    AFC  Recipient of the Air Force Cross
    AFM  Recipient of the Air Force Medal
    AFSM Recipient of the Australian Fire Service Medal
    AG  Adjutant-General
    AGC  Adjutant-General's Corps
    Agric.  Agriculture
    AH  Anno Hegirae, i.e. in the year of the Hijra, the Muslim calendar
    AK  Member of the first class or Knight of the Order of Australia
    aka  also known as
    ALH  Australian Light Horse
    AM  Recipient of the 1st, 2nd, or 3rd Class of the Albert Medal. Member of the fourth class of the Order of Australia.
    A/M  Air Marshal
    AMS  Army Medical Service
    AO  Member of the third class or, Officer of the Order of Australia
    AOC  Air Officer Commanding
    AOE  Member of the Alberta Order of Excellence (Canada).
    APM  Australian Police Medal
    APTC Army Physical Training Corps
    ARA  Associate of the Royal Academy
    arm.  armoured
    ARRC Member of the second class or Associate of the Royal Red Cross
    ASEN Association of South East Asian Nations
    ASP  Assistant Superintendant of Police
    Assist. Assistant
    Assoc.  Associate, association
    AStJ  Honorary Associate (Brother or Sister) of the Most Venerable Hospital of the Order of St John of Jerusalem in the British Realms
    ATM  Ahmudan gaung Tazeik ya Min = Recipient of the the Medal for Good Service (Burma)
    ATS  Auxiliary Territorial Service
    Ave.  Avenue
    AVM  Air Vice-Marshal
    b.  born
    BA  Bachelor of Arts, British Airways
    BAAF Bahrain Amiri Air Force
    BAOR British Army of the Rhine
    Barr  Barrister
    Bart.  Baronet
    BBC  British Broadcasting Corporation
    BC  Before Christ, British Columbia
    BCL  Bachelor of Civil Law
    BD  Bachelor of Divinity
    Bde.  brigade
    BE  Buddhist Era
    Beds.  Bedfordshire
    BEM  Recipient of the British Empire Medal
    Berks. Berkshire
    BGM  Recipient of the Burma Gallantry Medal
    BIOT  British Indian Ocean Territory
    BL  British Library
    BM  Recipient of the Barbados Bravery Medal. Recipient of the Bravery Medal (Australia). Bachelor of Medicine.
    BMA  British Military Administration
    BOAC British Overseas Airways Corporation
    BPM  Recipient of the Burma Police Medal for gallantry or distinguished service (unoffical postnominal letters)
    BR  Burma Rifles
    BRCS British Red Cross Society
    Brig.  Brigadier
    Brig-Gen. Brigadier-General
    Bros.  Brothers
    BS  Bachelor of Surgery
    BSc  Bachelor of Science
    BSIP  British Solomon Islands Protectorate
    BSM  Holder of the Medal Grade of the Barbados Service Award of the Order of Barbados. Battery Sergeant-Major.
    BSS  Holder of the Star Grade of the Barbados Service Award of the Order of Barbados
    Bt.  Baronet
    Btn.  battalion
    bur.  buried
    BVI  British Virgin Islands
    ca.  circa, i.e. about
    CAF  Citizen Air Force (Australia)
    Camb. Cambridge
    CAS  Chief of the Air Staff
    Cav.  Cavalry
    CB  Member of the third class, Companion of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath
    CBE  Member of the third class, Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire
    CC  Member of the first class, Companion of the Order of Canada. County Coincillor.
    CCC  Member of the first class or Companion of the Order of the Caribbean Community
    CCF  Combined Cadet Force
    CD  Recipient of the Canadian Forces Decoration. Member of the first class or Commander of the Order of Distinction (Jamaica).
    CE  Civil Engineer
    cdt.  commandant
    Cdr.  Commander
    Cdre.  Commodore
    CDS  Chief of the Defence Staff
    Cent.  central
    CENTO Central Treaty Organisation
    CFSM Recipient of the Colonial Fire Service Medal for gallantry or distinguished service
    CGC  Recipient of the Conspicuous Gallantry Cross
    CGH  Recipient of the Castle of Good Hope Decoration (South Africa)
    CGM  Recipient of the Conspicuous Gallantry Medal (Sea or Air)
    CGS  Chief of the General Staff
    CH  Member of the Order of the Companions of Honour. Commander of the The Most Precious Order of Princely Heritage (Antigua & Barbuda).
    Ch.  Chief
    Ch. Cmsnr. Chief Commissioner
    Chair. Chairman, or chairwoman
    Chanc. Chancellor
    Chap.  Chaplain
    CHB  Member of the second class or Companion of Honour of the Order of Barbados
    CHM  Company Havildar Major
    CI  Lady of the Imperial Order of the Crown of India
    CIE  Member of the third class or Companion of the Most Eminent Order of the Indian Empire
    CIGS  Chief of the Imperial General Staff
    C-in-C Commander in Chief
    civ.  civil
    CM  Commander of the Most Illustrious Order of Merit (Antigua & Barbuda). Member of the third class of the Order of Canada (since 1972). Recipient of the Medal of Courage of the Order of Canada (1967-1972). Recipient of the first, second, or third class of the Chaconia Medal (Trinidad and Tobago). Master in Surgery.
    CMG  Member of the third class or, Companion of the Most Distinguished Order of St Michael and St George
    CMM  Member of the first class or, Commander of the Order of Military Merit (Canada)
    Cmsnr. Commissioner
    Cncl.  Council
    CNZM Member of the third class or, Companion of the New Zealand Order of Merit
    Co.  Company, as in a trading company or manufacturer. County.
    CO  Commanding Officer
    c/o  child of
    COAS Chief of the Army Staff
    Col.  Colonel
    Coll.  College
    COM  Member of the first class or, Commander of the Order of Merit (of the Police Forces of Canada)
    Comp. Companion
    Coron. Coronation
    Corp.  Corporation
    COS  Chief of Staff
    Cos.  Companies
    coy.  company, as in a military unit
    CP  Central Provinces (India), Cape Province (South Africa)
    CPM  Recipient of the Colonial Police Medal for gallantry or distinguished service
    CPO  Chief Petty Officer
    CQ  Member of the third class or, Chevalier of the Ordre national du Québec (Canada).
    cre.  created
    CSC  Recipient of the Conspicuous Service Cross (UK). Conspicuous Service Cross (Australia).
    CSI  Member of the third class or, Companion of the Most Exalted Order of the Star of India. Recipient of the Cross of the Distinguished Order of the Solomon Islands.
    CSL  Member of the second class or Cross of the Order of St Lucia
    CSM  Conspicuous Service Medal (Australia). Companion of the Star of Merit (St Christopher & Nevis). Company Sergeant-Major.
    CStJ  Member of the fourth class or Commander (Brother or Sister) of the Most Venerable Hospital of the Order of St John of Jerusalem in the British Realms
    Cttee.  Committee
    CV  Cross of Valour (Australia). Cross of Valour (Canada).
    CVO  Member of the third class or Commander of the Royal Victorial Order
    d.  died
    DA  Member of the first class or Dame of St Andrew of the Order of Barbados
    DAG  Deputy Adjutant-General
    dau.  daughter
    DBE  Member of the second class or Dame Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire
    DCB  Member of the second class or, Dame Commander of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath.
    DCL  Doctor of Civil Law
    DCLI  Duke of Cornwall's Light Infantry
    DCM  Recipient of the Distinguished Conduct Medal
    DCMG Member of the second class or, Dame Commander of the Most Distinguished Order of St Michael and St George.
    DCN  Dame Commander of the Most Distinguished Order of the Nation (Antigua & Barbuda)
    DCNZM Distinguished Companion of the New Zealand Order of Merit
    DCO  Duke of Cambridge's Own, or Duke of Connaught's Own
    DCVO Member of the second class or, Dame Commander of the Royal Victorial Order.
    DD  Doctor of Devinity
    DDS  Doctor of Dental Surgery
    deleg.  Delegate, delegation
    dep.  deputy
    dept.  department
    desig.  designate
    DFC  Recipient of the Distinguished Flying Cross
    DFM  Recipient of the Distinguished Flying Medal
    DG  Dragoon Guards
    DGCN Dame Grand Commander of the Most Distinguished Order of the Nation (Antigua & Barbuda)
    DGN  Dame Grand Collar of the Most Distinguished Order of the Nation (Antigua & Barbuda)
    DGNH Dame Grand Cross of the Order of the National Hero (St Christopher & Nevis).
    DH  District Head
    DIG  Deputy Inspector-General
    dip.  Diploma
    dir.  director
    div.  divorced
    DJAG  Deputy Judge Advocate-General
    DJStJ Member of the third class or, Dame of Justice of the Most Venerable Hospital of the Order of St John of Jerusalem in the British Realms.
    DK  Darjah Kerabat, the highest order of chivalry in a Malay state
    DL  Deputy Lieutenant
    D.Litt. Doctor of Literature
    D.Mus. Doctor of Music
    DNH  Dame Companion of the Most Exalted Order of the National Heros (Antigua & Barbuda).
    DNZM Member of the second class or, Dame Companion of the New Zealand Order of Merit.
    DO  District Officer
    d/o  daughter of
    DPPS  Director of Public Prosecutions
    Drags. Dragoons
    DSC  Recipient of the Distinguished Service Cross
    DSc.  Doctor of Science
    DSO  Companion of the Distinguished Service Order
    DSM  Recipient of the Distinguished Service Medal (UK). Recipient of the Distinguished Service Medal (Australia).
    d.s.p.  decessit sine prole, i.e. died without issue
    d.s.p.l. decessit sine prole legitima, i.e. died without legitimate issue
    d.s.p.m. decessit sine prole mascula, i.e. died without male issue
    d.s.p.s. decessit sine prole superstite, i.e. died without surviving issue
    DStJ  Member of the third class or, Dame of Grace of the Most Venerable Hospital of the Order of St John of Jerusalem in the British Realms
    DTD  Dekoratie Trouwe Dienst, i.e. Decoration for Faithful Service (South Africa)
    d. unm. died unmarried
    d.v.m.  decessit vita matris, i.e. died in the lifetime of the mother
    d.v.p.  decessit vita patris, i.e. died in the lifetime of the father
    dvpt.  development
    DVR  Decoratie Van Riebeeck (South Africa)
    DVSc.  Doctor of Veterinary Science
    dvsn.  division
    DWR  Duke of Wellington's Regiment
    DYO  Duke of York's Own
    (EC)  Emergency Commission
    ED  Recipient of the Efficiency Decoration
    educ.  educated
    EEC  European Economic Community
    EGM  Recipient of the Empire Gallantry Medal
    ELR  East Lancashire Regiment
    ELS  Europese Lagere School
    EM  Recipient of the Edward Medal
    env.  Envoy
    ERD  Recipient of the Army Emergency Reserve Officers' Decoration
    Esq.  Esquire
    EStJ  Esquire of the Most Venerable Hospital of the Order of St John of Jerusalem in the British Realms
    EU  European Union
    Exon.  Exeter
    ext.  Extrodinary
    FAA  Fleet Air Arm
    FANY First Aid Nursing Yeomanry
    Fdn.  Foundation
    Fed.  Federation
    FFR  Frontier Force Regiment
    FGS  Fellow of the Geological Society
    FM  Field Marshal
    FMS  Federated Malay States
    FMSVF Federated Malay States Volunteer Force
    FO  Foreign Office
    F/O  Flying Officer
    FRAM Fellow of the Royal Academy of Music
    FRCM Fellow of the Royal College of Music
    FRCP Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians
    FRGS  Fellow of the Royal Geographical Society
    FRIBA Fellow of the Royal Institute of British Architects
    FRS  Fellow of the Royal Society
    Fus.  Fusiliers
    FZS  Fellow of the Zoological Society
    GBE  Member of the first class, Knight or Dame Grand Cross of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire.
    GC  Recipient of the George Cross. Grand Commander, Grand Companion, or Grand Cross.
    G/C  Group Captain
    GCB  Member of the first class, Knight or Dame Grand Cross of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath.
    GCH  Member of the first class or, Knight Grand Cross of the Royal Order of the Guelphs of Hanover.
    GCIE  Member of the first class or, Knight Grand Commander of the Most Eminent Order of the Indian Empire.
    GCM  Grand Cross of the Most Illustrious Order of Merit (Antigua & Barbuda). Holder of the Gold Grade of the Crown of Merit of the Order of Barbados.
    GCMG Member of the first class, Knight or Dame Grand Cross of the Most Distinguished Order of St Michael and St George.
    GCSI  Member of the first class or, Knight Grand Commander of the Most Exalted Order of the Star of India. Member of the first class or, Grand Cross of the Distinguished Order of the Solomon Islands.
    GCSL  Member of the first class, Knight or Dame Grand Cross of the Order of St Lucia.
    GCStJ Member of the first class, Bailiff or Dame Grand Cross of the Most Venerable Hospital of the Order of St John of Jerusalem in the British Realms
    GCVO Member of the first class, Knight or Dame Grand Cross of the Royal Victorial Order
    Gds  Guards
    Gen.  General
    Gib.  Gibralta
    Glam.  Glamorgan
    GM  Recipient of the George Medal
    GNZM Member of the first class, Knight or Dame Grand Companion of the New Zealand Order of Merit.
    GO  Grand Officer
    GOC  General Officer Commanding
    GOI  Government of India
    GOM  Grand Officer of the Most Illustrious Order of Merit (Antigua & Barbuda).
    Gov.  Governor
    Govt./govt. government
    GOQ  Member of the first class or, Grand Officier of the Ordre national du Québec (Canada).
    Grens. Grenadiers
    GSO  General Staff Officer
    HAC  The Honourable Artillery Company
    Hants. Hampshire
    HBC  The Hudsons Bay Company
    H.B.M. His or Her Britanic Majesty
    HBM  Recipient of the first, second, or third class of the Humming Bird Medal (Trinidad and Tobago)
    HBS  Hogere Burger School, i.e. Citizens High School
    HC  Honoris Crux (South Africa)
    H.E.  His or Her Excellency. His Eminence (Cardinals of the the Church of Rome).
    H.E.H. His Exalted Highness (Nizam of Hyderabad only)
    HEIC  The Honourable East India Company
    H.G.D.H. His or Her Grand Ducal Highness Highness
    H.H.  His or Her Highness
    H.I.H.  His or Her Imperial Highness (sons and daughters of Emperors)
    H.Il.H. His or Her Illustrious Highness (Mediatised Counts of the Holy Roman Empre)
    H.I.M. His or Her Imperial Majesty (Emperors and Empresses)
    H.I.R.H. His or Her Imperial and Royal Highness
    HIS  Hogere Indische School, i.e. Indian High School
    HLI  Highland Light Infantry
    H.M.  His or Her Majesty
    HMAS His or Her Majesty's Australian Ship
    HMCS His or Her Majesty's Canadian Ship
    HMCyS His or Her Majesty's Ceylon Ship
    HMIS  His Majesty's Indian Ship
    HMNZS His or Her Majesty's New Zealand Ship
    HMPS His or Her Majesty's Pakistan Ship
    HMS  His or Her Majesty's Ship
    Hon.  Honorary, Honourable
    H.P.H. His Princely Highness
    H.R.E. Holy Roman Empire
    H.R.H. His or Her Royal Highness
    HS  Hogere School, i.e. High School
    H.S.H. His or Her Serene Highness
    Hunts. Huntingdonshire
    Hus.  Hussars
    IA  Indian Army
    IAC  Indian Armoured Corps
    IAF  Indian Air Force
    IARO  Indian Army Reserve of Officers
    IAS  Indian Administrative Service
    ICC  Imperial Cadet Corps (India)
    ICS  Indian Civil Service
    i.d.c.  passed Imperial Defence College
    IDSM  Recipient of the Indian Distinguished Service Medal
    IGP  Inspector-General of Police
    IGS  Indian General Service
    IIAF  Imperial Iranian Air Force
    IIN  Imperial Iranian Navy
    IJN  Imperial Japanese Navy
    ILO  International Labour Organisation
    IMD  Indian Medical Department
    IMF  International Monetary Fund
    Imp.  Imperial
    IMS  Indian Medical Service
    INC  Indian National Congress
    Inf.  Infantry
    info.  information
    Inst.  Institute
    Instn.  Institution
    IOM  Member of first, second, or third class of the Indian Order of Merit (military or civil); Isle of Man
    ION  Imperial Ottoman Navy
    IOW  Isle of Wight
    IPM  Recipient of the Indian Police Medal for gallantry or distinguished service (unofficial postnominal letters)
    ISC  Indian Staff Corps
    ISF  Indian States Forces
    ISO  Companion of the Imperial Service Order
    JAG  Judge Advocate-General
    JAKLI Jammu and Kasjmir Light Infantry (India)
    JAKRIF Jammu and Kasjmir Rifles (India)
    Jam.  Jamedar
    JCD  John Chard Decoration (South Africa)
    JCM  John Chard Medal (South Africa)
    jnr.  junior
    JP  Justice of the Peace
    KA  Member of the first class or, Knight of St Andrew of the Order of Barbados
    KAR  King's African Rifles
    KB  Knight of the Bath (to 1666); Knight Companion of the Most Honourable Military Order of the Bath (1725 - 1814)
    KBE  Member of the second class or, Knight Commander of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire.
    KBt  Knight Banneret
    KC  One of His Majesty's Counsel learned in the law (King's Counsel)
    KCB  Member of the second class, Knight Commander of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath.
    KCH  Member of the second class or, Knight Commander of the Royal Order of the Guelphs of Hanover.
    KCIE  Member of the second class or, Knight Commander of the Most Eminent Order of the Indian Empire.
    KCMG Member of the second class or, Knight Commander of the Most Distinguished Order of St Michael and St George.
    KCN  Knight Commander of the Most Distinguished Order of the Nation (Antigua & Barbuda)
    KCSI  Member of the second class or, Knight Commander of the Most Exalted Order of the Star of India.
    KCVO Member of the second class or, Knight Commander of the Royal Victorial Order.
    KDG  King's Dragoon Guards
    KEO  King Edward's Own
    KEVIIO King Edward the Seventh's Own
    KFSM Recipient of the King's Fire Service Medal for gallantry or distinguished service
    KG  Knight Companion of the Most Noble Order of the Garter
    KGCN Knight Grand Commander of the Most Distinguished Order of the Nation (Antigua & Barbuda)
    KGN  Knight Grand Collar of the Most Distinguished Order of the Nation (Antigua & Barbuda)
    KGNH Knight Grand Cross of the Order of the National Hero (St Christopher & Nevis).
    KGO  King George's Own
    KGVO King George the Fifth's Own
    KH  Member of the third class or, Knight of the Royal Order of the Guelphs of Hanover.
    KHDS King's Honorary Dental Surgeon
    KHNS King's Honorary Nursing Sister
    KHP  King's Honorary Physician
    KHS  King's Honorary Surgeon
    KHVS King's Honorary Veterinary Surgeon
    k.  killed
    k-i-a.  killed in action
    KIH  Recipient of the first, second, or third class of the Kaiser-i-Hind Medal for Public Service in India (unnoffical postnomial letters)
    KJStJ Member of the second class or, Knight of Justice of the Most Venerable Hospital of the Order of St John of Jerusalem in the British Realms.
    KMA  Royal Military Acadamy (the Netherlands)
    KMC  Recipient of the King's Medal for Chiefs
    KNH  Knight Companion of the Most Exalted Order of the National Heros (Antigua & Barbuda).
    KNIL  Koninklijk Nederlands-Indisch Leger, i.e. the Royal Netherlands Indies Army
    KNL  Koninklijk Nederlands Leger, i.e. the Royal Netherlands Army
    KNZM Member of the second class or, Knight Companion of the New Zealand Order of Merit.
    KORR King's Own Royal Regiment
    KOSB King's Own Scottish Borderers
    KOYLI King's Own Yorkshire Light Infantry
    KP  Knight Companion of the Most Illustrious Order of St Patrick (Ireland)
    KPM  Recipient of the King's Police Medal for gallantry or distinguished service